
Masturbating in the workplace increases productivity!

Masturbation in the workplace

Masturbation is fun, healthy and free, and according to recent research it also increases productivity, so experts now recommend masturbation even in the workplace. It brings a substantial amount of endorphins (hormone of happiness), reduces stress, anxiety and releases cortisol. Masturbation is one of the easiest ways to relax and boost self-confidence, so psychologists recommend it even in the workplace. So instead of taking a cigarette break, take a masturbation break.

You knew that does masturbation in the workplace increase productivity? Companies like Google, Facebook, Pixar, know how important it is for their employees to feel good at work, so their offices are designed to maximize creativity and enthusiasm for work. Employees have many at their disposal ways of relaxation, such as table football and tennis, as well as cycling tracks, video games, punching bags, slides... Probably your work environment does not offer such ways of relaxation and, as it turns out, you don't need them either, because there is a simpler solution - masturbation! Yes, you read that right. Research – and psychologists also confirm this - showed that as many as 40 percent of New Yorkers masturbate during working hours and are consequently more satisfied at work. Last year, they even appeared on the streets in New York 'payphones' for masturbation.

Masturbation cabin.
Masturbation cabin

According to an American survey, as many as 94 percent of men and 85 percent of women masturbate, yet there is still a stigma attached to masturbation. And why is it good to take a pleasure break at work? Because touching the genitals for pleasure it helps reduce stress, lowers blood pressure and increases self-confidence, but it can also be a reward for a job well done.

Take a break to masturbate.
Take a break to masturbate.

Psychologist dr. Cliff Arnall says: "A policy of complacency in companies would certainly lead to better employee focus, less aggression, higher productivity and more laughter in the workplace.” And he continues: ”Pleasure breaks out of boredom or as an escape from work, they would definitely help with better concentration on work tasks." He warns that it is not wise daydream about colleagues, as this can lead to cognitive disorders, also masturbating at work is only appropriate if we want to do it reduce stress and tension and take a break, but not if it drives us sexual desire. And if you already masturbate at work, be discreet so as not to embarrass others.

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