
Samsung Galaxy: A3 and A5 - new, ultra-light and stylish smartphones

Today, Samsung's mid-range mobile phones are not just stripped-down high-end models, as they are not far behind in terms of performance and are therefore suitable for more demanding users. Unlike those from the richer strata, they offer an excellent ratio between performance, quality and price, and the newcomers from the young Galaxy A family, the Galaxy A3 and A5, are living proof.

The South Korean giant Samsung with family Galaxy A proves that you can get a lot of music for a little money. It is a series that will be cheaper than the prestigious line Galaxy S, but there won't be a software gap between them. But if A is on the hunt for S models from the technical side, it visually matches the model Alpha, as the case (albeit made of plastic) is also decorated with a face metal trim.

The superior of the pair, 123 grams Galaxy A5, comes with 5-inch (12.7-centimeter) Super AMOLED screen resolution 1920×1080 pixels, Bluetooth 4.0, digital camera with a resolution of 13 million pixels, LED flash, front camera with 5 million pixels and autofocus, 4-core 1.2 GHz processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 400, 16 GB of built-in memory and 2 GB of RAM-a, which is trapped in a slender 6.7 millimeters thick case, which also has a "parking space" for MicroSD card. Its battery capacity is 2300 mAh. In the era of selfies Samsung saw fit to add a feature to the rear camera as well facial recognition, so that we can see the composition on the screen before taking the photo.

Galaxy A5 - the best of the mid-range.
Galaxy A5 – the best of the mid-range.

It comes loaded with a highly desirable mobile operating system Android 4.4 KitKat, but also offers support for high-speed mobile networks 4G/LT. The price for it should be around 350 euros, while its inferior version will cost approx. 80 euros less, which will be at the expense of slightly more modest equipment.

READ MORE: Samsung Galaxy Alpha – a smartphone that can make Apple nervous!

Galaxy A3 comes with a smaller, 4.5-inch Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 960×540, a camera with a resolution of 8 million pixels, while the front camera has as many as the A5 (and has also succumbed to the selfie mania software), the same is located under the "hood" 1.2 GHz processor. RAM is reduced to 1 GB, as well as the battery namely on 1900 mAh and this despite the fact that it is slightly thicker (6.9 mm). In everything else, it imitates the fifth.

The Galaxy A3 is the cheaper and less powerful member of the A family.
The Galaxy A3 is the cheaper and less powerful member of the A family.

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