
Dream job - assembling Lego bricks

Lego service

Do you wish that those years when you could play with Lego bricks for hours and hours would never pass? But maybe you can also do it 'in your old age'. Lego is looking for someone who will assemble Lego blocks for him all day.

You are a lover Lego bricks? It is also a dream job for you to be able to assemble them all day and have someone else do it for you pay? Then you need to move to English Windsor (Berkshire), and even before that, you must Legoland Windsor of course to choose for work.

READ MORE: The most expensive Lego sets in the world

You can slice your bread by assembling Lego blocks.
You can make a living by assembling Lego bricks.

Theme park is looking for someone to create design drafts for him. The selected candidate will be employed full-time and will have many benefits such as 40% discount to all Lego products. Unfortunately, the love of building blocks is not enough, as they are looking for someone with design experience. You can apply here.

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