
Do you know how to brush your teeth properly? Brush yourself with sonic technology!

Sonic brushing

Do you know how to brush your teeth properly? Let us answer for you. No. According to dentists, as many as 98 percent of Slovenians have periodontitis, so there is a high probability that you do not know how to brush your teeth properly. How many fillings do you have? Don't you count anymore? Even one is a sign that your dental care is inadequate, either due to incorrect or insufficient cleaning. What if we told you that there is a way to avoid a curative visit to the dentist and "stamping" of fillings in the future? We call it sonic technology.

Did you know that you've been brushing your teeth wrong all your life? How do we know that? We hardly know a person without a seal. And a seal is a sign of poor oral hygiene. It's very likely not because you lack enthusiasm, but because you simply learned it wrong. You push the brush up and down, left and right, but instead of healthy teeth and clean interdental spaces, you have constantly inflamed (and bleeding) gums, and the sounds of drills are your second radio. The good news is that you can change this overnight! Brushing teeth it is routine for most of us, which means that we do wash them, but we don't pay too much attention to it. So all you have to do to improve your health (dental diseases have a long-term effect on your health) is to learn how to brush your teeth properly. This means focused, non-routine process with appropriate quality tools. Once you have adopted this, you will call your dentist only once a year for a preventive check-up!

Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes are the best news for your teeth you've ever heard.
Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes are the best news for your teeth you've ever heard.

Two things are necessary for proper tooth brushing: correct technique and quality tool. And when we looked among the brushes for the ones that would provide us with the best, we ended up with the ones left in our hands Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes. They are with theirs sonic technology gave brushing a completely new dimension and opened wide the door to a healthier life and teeth that will shine so brightly that people around us will have to wear sunglasses again. We are exaggerating, but Sonicare toothbrushes with sonic technology they gently but at the same time effectively clean teeth and gums, are the accessory your teeth needed more than Sahara waters. Which is not an exaggeration! Theirs premium brush Sonicare DiamondClean for example, boasts as many as 31 thousand vibrations/movements per minute and is 7 times more effective than a "hand" brush, as it removes dental plaque in critical areas, which the bristles of classic toothbrushes are afraid of, just as we are afraid of corner dark streets at night.

Proper brushing is the key to health.
Proper brushing is the key to health.

Philips electric toothbrushes with sonic technology only start their work well where other brushes give up, thus cleaning the streets of crime and dirt (read oral cavities of interdental dirt). They are one of the few who dare to "get their hands dirty" and they do not do the work half-heartedly. They are so thorough that you will feel like you are brushing your teeth for the first time, and you will not even be able to marvel at their smoothness. But with brushing, it's the same as with photography. A good photographer makes a good photo, not a good camera, so see below how to brush your teeth properly if you want to be able to say: "The Sonicare brush is life (almost) without a dentist!”

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