
Slovenian SipaBoard rowed to the financial goal of 150,000$ and became the star of #kickstarter

The Slovenian SipaBoard is the first self-inflating sup in the world, which reached the financial goal of 150,000 dollars after two weeks on Kickstarter, which the SipaBoards team needed to start production. The SipaBoard has a built-in electric battery that inflates the sup in the first stage, then hides in the board itself and drives a thruster motor that helps to glide on the surface (maintains balance and direction). It allows a speed of up to three knots (approx. 5 km/h) and comes with a wireless paddle, which is also a "gas pedal".

Slovenian e-sup SipaBoard it doesn't just surprise with its compactness and convenience - it's about the world's first self-inflating sup– but also with a pusher engine SipaDrive, which is hiding at the bottom. This enables a better user experience and greater security, so it is suitable for beginners, children, the elderly and those who are out of shape. The electric vulture has been on its march since Wednesday, April on Kickstarter, grew into world bestseller, as the number of investors has fallen. With this, the SipaBoards team got confirmation that it is top product.

READ MORE: Coopy - Slovenian smart remote control #Kickstarter

Paddleboarding (supunju) has been in leaps and bounds in recent years grew in popularity, and this water sport has caught on well here as well. With such a superior and user-friendly prop as the sup SipaBoard, which comes together with a smart oar through which we control the engine SipaDrive (this has a similar function to the auxiliary the wheel at the wheel), but it seems that even more people will throw themselves into this kind of sports industry. If you hurry, you can get it for a little less than that 1300 euros, and they will deliver it to you already August 2015.

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