Snowflakes are proof that nature is the greatest artist. So far this winter, the snow has only been a sample, so we are all the more happy about the recent dance of snowflakes, even if it also brings a lot of inconvenience. Well, detailed photos of snowflakes that are as unique as fingerprints is definitely not one of them. See snowflakes up close and in all their glory, and even those of you who don't like winter will change your opinion of it!
Snowflakes they are like people. One is not the same as the other. When it snows, many people, even as adults, still feel the excitement they felt as a child. And there's no reason why it shouldn't, even though v winter idyll it quickly cuts through reality in the form of thoughts such as that it will be harder to get to work because of the snow, that we will therefore have to get up earlier, that we will have to rush, not to mention the looting that is imminent.
READ MORE: How to throw snow correctly? Cross-friendly tearing!
Just take a look photographs snowflakes close by (taken with an iPhone with a macro attachment) and you will look at the snow with completely different eyes from now on.
Close-up photos of snowflakes:
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