
Somabar – a robotic bartender for mixing cocktails

Making a good cocktail is a kind of art, so bartenders don't have their reputation for nothing. They are a luxury that we treat ourselves to in the bar, on special occasions, but I rarely bring them into our home. Cocktails are like cakes, they require a precise hand and feel to make them. Not everyone has that. But who needs them when we can use the services of the robot bartender Somabar, who mixes the perfect mixture of this intoxicating drink.

Somabar is probably the coolest household appliance, the collateral damage of which is that you'll have to host all future parties because of it. It is a village personal bartender, which ensures that you sip only the best. And how you get served a professionally mixed cocktail, without having to leave the comfort of your home?

Through the app to the perfect cocktail.
Through the app to the perfect cocktail.

You "submit" your order via a special application on your smartphone, where you select the desired alcoholic-non-alcoholic arrangement from the list of drinks, which the machine then pours into the glass. To ensure that the mixture is really perfect, after each application with water clean your "blood vessels".

READ MORE: Mr. Coffee – Belkin's smart coffee machine

Forget it mixing tools, scoops, recipes and necessary skills. Somabar has all this. You just have to have a good time and maybe put in a few euros for him to succeed To Kickstarter, where he will insist everything until January 13.

It will be yours for approx. 580 euros, and in pre-order it is about 166 euros cheaper. They will be the first to have it at home July 2015.

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