
Have you found your match yet?

Have you ever been told you have a doppelganger? We present to you a series of portraits of strikingly similar people captured by François Brunelle.

Not only are those portrayed unrelated; they had never seen each other until the moment the photo was taken. Canadian photographer François Brunell was so inspired by the doppelganger phenomenon that he sought out pairs of strikingly similar people and made the series titled Je ne suis pas une sosie (I'm not a doll). The similarities between the people portrayed are really amazing; the girls in one of the photos even have similar tattoos. Brunelle started working with photography in 1968. He was always disturbed by the extraordinary similarity between people who are not related in any way. The project began by taking a portrait of two female acquaintances who were very similar. Since then he has taken 200 portraits. And you, have you met your doppelganger yet?

photo: François Brunell

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