
Have you heard of the ice cream diet?

Ice cream diet

In the fight against extra pounds, people are constantly inventing new diets that should lead us to the desired goal - a slim figure - even more easily. Among these, we also find quite unusual ones, such as the ice cream diet.

Maybe you can extra kilos let's also get rid of it with our favorite summer dessert - ice cream. Yes, you read that right, s ice cream diet we can say goodbye to extra kilos and this year bikini we open the season confidently and, above all, carefree. Ice cream diet it is supposed to melt away kilograms because with it we consume enough calcium, which is necessary for maintaining a slim line, as it prevents the growth of fat cells in the body.

When it comes to diet, we have to be careful not to choose from too many caloric ice creams, but we prefer to resort to a light choice, which must not contain more than 120 calories. We eat one scoop of ice cream every day (without a cone and sweet toppings) and make sure that the ice cream complements an otherwise balanced diet that does not exceed 1250 calories. Experts promise that we will this type of diet and at least half an hour of exercise a day, we definitely lost the extra pounds that we "accumulated" during the winter, ice cream diet but it is also great for keeping it perfect body weight.

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