
Study proves that same-sex partners make excellent parents

Whether same-sex partners should have the right to parent and to adopt is a debate that has always raised a hurricane of dust on both sides of the divide. While some may think that the argument that a child needs a caregiver of both sexes is strong enough to tip the scales in their favor, it is actually just homophobia in disguise – as many studies as well as empirical evidence from the everyday world have shown. Read below about a study that proves same-sex partners make great parents.

This one study proves that same-sex partners make excellent parents. The argument against same-sex adoption is usually crowned with the exclamation that a child needs a guardian of both sexes for healthy development. Advocates of this position they ignore the fact, that there are many children in the world who have same-sex parents or only one parent, but nevertheless develop into healthy and autonomous individuals; on the other hand, we witness daily emotional or physical abuse and neglect of children in traditional heterosexual families. Observing that for children healthy development is not key to parental gender diversity, but now it is too scientifically supported.

It participated in the study 125 lesbian couples, who had a child through artificial insemination, 70 gay couples, who adopted children, and 195 heterosexual couples. The study found not only that the children of all three groups developed equally well psychologically and physically, but that the development of the children of same-sex couples was in some cases even more optimal - more specifically, they were children of same-sex couples more prosocial and more psychologically robust from children of heterosexual couples. The study is empirical refuted the argument that a child needs two parents of different sexes for good development - the child's good development is determined by other variables, such as relationship quality, conversation, care and tenderness, consistent boundary setting, conflict resolution … Access to of the original article can be found at this link.

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