
Sunswift eVe - a solar car that will soon hit the roads

The Sunswift eVe solar car is the Sunswift team's fifth practical vehicle project.

More and more alternative drive cars are knocking on the door of series production. Thus, conventional roads are already regular guests of electric vehicles, and now solar cell cars are also flirting with them. One such is the Sunswift eVe, the solar car of Australian students from the University of New South Wales, who want to drive it on the streets of Sydney as early as July 2015. The car should pass all safety and other standards required for vehicle registration by then. This will make it the first vehicle of its kind in the southern hemisphere.

Solar car Sunswift eVe with luck, he'll be hitting regular roads soon. Its unusual body is made from parts from carbon fiber (hence the low weight - 300 kilograms) and sprinkled with solar cells. It holds the international speed record, since it became in 2014 the fastest electric vehicle, which traveled 500 kilometers on a single charge. The goal of this record was to prove that electric vehicles are also suitable for long distances and high-speed travel (pulls over 130 km/h).

The Sunswift eVe solar car could soon be driving on regular roads.
The Sunswift eVe solar car could soon be driving on regular roads.

Now with the student team UNSW Sunswift they are working on it being a car practical, so that a normal driver will be able to drive to work in the morning with it.

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The main challenge remains the price or manufacturing costs. As it turned out, the prototype is valued at half a million Australian dollars (calculated 350 thousand euros). But if it was about mass production, would bring the price down to, according to Rob Ireland, UNSW Sunswift Business Manager 70 thousand euros, which, relatively speaking, would be a very bearable price.

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