
Taste Buds: cute illustrations of foods that go well together

What foods go best together?

The designer and illustrator Philip Tseng drew food with human characteristics and showed them in pairs as a kind of lovers, as a dream couple born for each other or as best friends. These are the combinations that our taste buds like the most. Strawberries and chocolate, grapes and cheese... There are quite a few foods that go perfectly together, and Tseng shows it in a very endearing way.

Some foods are easy created one after the other. Either it's written in the stars, or in the type of aromatic molecules (okay, that's another one), they look head over heels in love together. We can easily imagine pizza and beer how they go on a date for, well, pizza and beer.

READ MORE: The coolest street food in the world

Cookies and milk - a combination that rarely anyone can resist.
Cookies and milk - a combination that rarely anyone can resist.

Check how it is the food was steamed Philip Tseng and you might get an idea for a new one on the spot a dream nutritional combination. Happy couple, bacon and eggs, we know you already know, but there are many other combinations that want to be introduced to you. Which foods do you think make the best pair? Trust us on Facebook.

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