
These grannies are tougher than you!

You know the stereotype where all grandmothers are petite and friendly women who bake cakes, play cards and knit all day, right? Today we will prove to you that this stereotype is also wrong. Here are some witty photos that prove that grannies are strong and downright badass creatures!

Bad grannies are not just fashion icons Buddy Winkle or the fittest grandmother in the world Ernestine Shepherd. There are grandmothers like that all over the world! They master the technology, are open heads, they whistle at the rules, they know how to smile, they do better in the gym than us, they meet celebrities, they take selfies and the list goes on.
Get to know these fierce grannies in the gallery and get to know them be a role model!

READ MORE: Older people who don't know what to wear on their shirts

Fierce grandmothers whistle at the rules.
Fierce grandmothers whistle at the rules.

Gallery - These grannies are tougher than you

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