
Tesla with batteries that store solar energy and will change the course of history

Elon Musk, the father of the electric car brand Tesla, is not nicknamed the Steve Jobs of the automobile for nothing. He proved this once more when he introduced the Tesla Powerwall batteries, which have the ability to store solar energy. These would or will power homes, businesses, maybe even the entire world. By being able to store the energy of solar cells for later use, which until now has been the biggest obstacle in the use of renewable energy sources, they are changing not only the "producer" of electricity, but the very course of history.

A visionary Elon Musk and his child Tesla presented revolutionary batteries Powerwall. The aforementioned battery system can be the first it also stores solar energy for later use. With this technology, he found that missing piece at use renewable energy sources, which until now has hindered it in expanding and taking over the energy infrastructure. The main competitive advantage of the Tesla Powerwall is that, unlike other similar systems, it can run on renewable energy ensures energy security even in the event of a power outage. So, for example, those who were left without it because of the sleet last year, would not have to rely on aggregates and gasoline.

Elon Musk during the Powerwall presentation.
Elon Musk during the Powerwall presentation.

With this type of battery, it would drop significantly use of fossil fuels, which would take a big step towards a cleaner tomorrow. Which is also Musk's goal, it's perfect transformation of the global energy infrastructure. And by offering the world a solar-powered electricity grid that does not depend on the supporting source of electricity (this is usually "made" on the basis of fossil fuels) - the sun does not shine at night - the possibility is real this time, as the Powerwall can store solar energy even when the solar cells are not being adjusted sunlight.

READ MORE: Tesla Roadster 3.0 – an electric "marathoner" that can travel 640 kilometers on a single charge

There will be batteries intended for households and they will be for the price (recalculated) 3100 euros made energy almost independent of the grids we know. More will go on sale in 2015, but only across the pond, the rest of the world will have to wait until the year for them 2016.

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