Buying a new pet? Before you choose, see if you happen to like one of the most expensive animals in the world.
We present to you the ten most expensive animals in the world. Their value is higher depending on how rare they are, but we can only afford them if we have at least several tens of thousands of euros in our bank account.
10. Toucan – 6,000 euros
Toucan Toucans, with the scientific name Ramphastidae, are a family of birds from the order of climbers, which includes five genera with about 40 species, distributed throughout Central and South America, including the Caribbean. Toucans are known for their colorful feathers, and especially their huge, bushy beaks, which can be up to half their body length. Their price is not high because of their rarity, as they are extremely popular.
9. Debrazza monkey – 8,000 euros
Debrazza the monkey How many African primates are still in the wild is difficult to say because they live in the hard-to-reach swampy areas of central Africa.
8. Blue bird – 14,000 euros
Blue parrot Value blue parrots is so high because their breeding in captivity is the exception rather than the rule.
7. Black cockatoo – 15,000 euros
Black cockatooBlack cockatoo, which comes from New Guinea, fascinates with the dark gray color of the feathers and the red dot on the head. The disheveled "hairstyle" adds to its uniqueness.
6. Japanese carob – 80,000 euros
Carob The hornet is a black-brown beetle from the hornet family that lives in Southern, Central and Western Europe, and has also been observed in the southern part of Sweden, England and east to Anatolia and Syria. It is the largest European beetle, adult animals reach from 25 to 85 mm in length. It got its name from the huge jaws of the males, which look like deer antlers. Despite their danger, hornets are not expensive in our country. But it is an extremely expensive hornet that was bred and sold by a Japanese bug breeder.
5. White lion cubs – 130,000 euros
White lion cubs White lions are real lions, just different colors - they are not a special animal species, just albinos or whitish, that is, they lack pigment. Furthermore, they are not an endangered species. White lions are the result of a rare mutation of a gene that determines the color of skin, fur, claws and eyes. A very small number of lions in the wild have such a mutation, as such animals survive. Today, the world is around 500 white lions, who live in zoos, circuses, farms and with individuals who have some wild animals at home.
4. Sir Lancelot Encore – 150,000 euros
Sir Lancelot EncoreSir Lancelot Encore is the most expensive labrador in the world. He was born when his owners - Nina and Edgar Otto - paid 150,000 euros to clone their deceased puppy.
3. Tibetan Mastiff – 1,000,000 euros
Tibetan Mastiff Prices for dogs with excellent pedigrees are around 100,000 euros, and some time ago one of the prominent businessmen in northern China for his four-legged dog named Hong Dong shelled out a good million euros. The most expensive dog in the world grew up on a special menu. It included the best beef, poultry, shellfish and other fresh seafood specialties.
2. Friesian cow "Missy" - 1,200,000 euros
Missy Black and white Friesian Missy it comes from Canada and is the most expensive cow in the world.
1. Green Monkey – 13,000,000 euros
Green Monkey No, the most expensive animal in the world is not a monkey. A racehorse with the name can boast an honorary title "Green Monkey", which was sold for a staggering 13 million euros.
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