
Pulse: Cooking Academy - CITY CHEF - Italian cuisine

Highlights from the Cooking Academy - CITY CHEF - Italian cuisine

At the October cooking academy - CITY CHEF, the participants took a close look at Italian cuisine and licked every plate again in pleasant company in the renovated Bosch and Siemens salon. Both the one with Caprese salad, the one with gnocchi with porcini mushrooms and shrimps, and the one with raw "Siciliana" ravioli, and even the Italian tiramisu were not left for later. At the same time, we were also accompanied by a drop of ruj, once it was a glass of ribula, another time sauvignon, the third time chianti, but there was not even the official water of the Jamnica event missing.

If you were wondering what is in Ljubljana October 21, 2015 it smelled so good, it is "to blame" for the intoxicating fragrances Italian-tinged cooking academy – CITY CHEF, which was once again held in the renovated Bosch and Siemens salon. We, the participants, watched the cooking wizards again, Dragan Marjanović, the head chef of the Inn and pizzeria Kaval and to the pastry chef from the pastry shop Lolita, To Greg Rodet, but of course we also contributed some of our cooking skills to the final result.

READ MORE: Sign up: CITY CHEF Cooking Academy - December celebrations

Gnocchi, ravioli, tiramisu... You don't know what you're missing! Well, basically you know because we're just explaining it to you (see recipes below). But there is no time to lament, because we have already November 18, 2015 a new cooking academy awaits – CITY CHEF (December celebrations) in the Jamnica company, the official waters of the event. This one will be festively colored. You are welcome!

Recipe for gnocchi with porcini mushrooms and shrimps

Ingredients for gnocchi with porcini mushrooms and shrimps:

  • gnocchi
  • fresh mushrooms
  • Gambers
  • Lt
  • garlic
  • White wine
  • soup base
  • butter
  • parsley
  • grana padano cheese
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper

Preparation of gnocchi with porcini mushrooms and shrimps:
Quickly fry the gambare in hot oil in a pan, add fresh porcini mushrooms, fry leeks, add garlic and cover with white wine. Wait 1-2 minutes for the alcohol to evaporate. Pour over the soup base, add butter and add specially cooked gnocchi to the sauce prepared in this way. Cook until they are soaked with the sauce, salt, pepper, add parsley, olive oil, mix and serve.

Recipe for Italian tiramisu:

Ingredients for Italian tiramisu:

  • baby cookies
  • 4 eggs
  • 40 g of flour
  • 40 g corn starch (gutin)
  • 80 g of sugar

Preparation of Italian tiramisu:
Separate the egg, beat the whites with half the sugar, and the yolks with the remaining sugar. Mix the flour and thickener into the yolks and add the egg whites with sugar. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 to 18 minutes.

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