
In what are individual European countries the worst: Slovenia is among them

Every European country is without a doubt a gem of its own that surprises foreigners again and again, but just like people, no country is perfect. Each of them is the worst in something - at least according to statistics that show the weaknesses of individual members of the European Union. And what is Slovenia the worst at?

Austria: Highest rate of young smokers

Young Austrians cannot resist the vice called smoking. Among young people aged 15 to 24, as many as 29.4% smoke.

Belgium: The worst traffic jams

If you don't want to lose your temper in traffic jams, avoid driving in Belgium. Antwerp and Brussels are the cities with the worst traffic jams in the world.

Bulgaria: The most limited press freedom

The country in the European Union where the freedom of the press and media is the most limited, despite the apparent democracy, is Bulgaria.

Cyprus: The lowest proportion of 18-year-olds in schools

No one knows where the 18-year-olds are actually hanging out on the beautiful island of Cyprus, but the fact is that there aren't very many of them in schools.

Czech Republic: Highest Slavery Index

Last year, the global index of slavery was the highest in the Czech Republic of all European countries. Zlata Prague is apparently just not that much "golden".

Denmark: Fewest Zara fashion stores per capita

The problems of some countries are greater than the weaknesses of others. Fashionistas would agree that Denmark probably has the biggest problem. Out of more than 5,627,000 inhabitants, the country has only two Zaras.

In Austria, young people like to smoke.
In Austria, young people like to smoke.

Estonia: The highest gender pay gap

Women in Estonia earn more than 27% less than men. Apparently, they can lend their unvisited Zaras to wealthier Danes.

Finland: Highest rate of depression

Developed Finland, which in many ways can be an example for us, is obviously not so much fun for the inhabitants.

France: Worst English skills

Among the countries of the European Union, English proficiency is worst in – you guessed it three times – France.

Greece: Highest external debt

The country of the European Union with the highest external debt is...Greece! (Surprise? Probably not.)

Croatia: Fewest Erasmus student exchange participants

Young Croats apparently prefer to stay in "Ljepa naši" rather than go on an exchange abroad during their studies.

Ireland: Highest prevalence of cystic fibrosis

The insidious disease affects one person per 1,800 inhabitants in Ireland.

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Italy: The most tax evasion

In the land of Al Capone, more than 239 trillion dollars are lost annually through tax evasion.

Latvia: Most prisoners

Latvian prisons are full. For every 100,000 people, as many as 305 are behind bars.

Lithuania: Highest suicide rate

Although Finns are the most depressed, their immediate neighbors are still more suicidal.

Luxembourg: Minimum funding for education

Rich Luxembourg saves money on a selection of books. In 2007, for example, only a good 3% of GDP was allocated to it.

Hungary: Highest value added tax

If we complain, the Hungarians should complain even more. Their VAT amounts to 27%.

Malta: The most difficult conditions for opening a company

Young entrepreneurs in Malta encounter the most problems with organization and bureaucracy.

Fewest people speak English in...
Fewest people speak English in…

Germany: The lowest rate of home ownership

Germans apparently prefer to live in a rental for their whole life rather than buying their own property.

Netherlands: Most deaths among cyclists in traffic accidents

If you like cycling, avoid the Netherlands. Cyclists are the worst victims of traffic accidents.

Poland: Fewest doctors per capita

If you are traveling to Poland soon, stock up on medicine and take care of your health. The country has the fewest doctors per inhabitant.

Portugal: Lowest birth rate

Although the birth rate is problematic in all countries of the European Union, it is the worst in Portugal. Only 7.9 children are born per 1,000 inhabitants.

Romania: Fewest cinemas per capita

Romania has only 3.8 cinemas per million inhabitants (for comparison: the Czech Republic, which has the most, has as many as 49.2 cinemas per million inhabitants).

If you like cycling, avoid the Netherlands.
If you like cycling, avoid the Netherlands.

Slovakia: Lowest voter turnout

Low voter turnout is not only a problem here, but also in a country that foreigners like to confuse with us.

Spain: Most students who do not finish school

With all the sun and sea, it's no wonder that students can't stand their books. More than 23% do not finish school.

Sweden: Fewest hospital beds per capita

The country we love as an example has the fewest hospital beds per capita. Or the residents don't get sick there at all.

Great Britain: Highest rate of cocaine use

Brits love to indulge in illicit substances. In addition to cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy and LSD are also consumed the most.

Slovenia: Most deaths due to alcohol

We Slovenians are the worst in the virtue called moderation. In 2010, 6.9 people died from alcohol per 100,000 inhabitants.

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