
IKEA: A smart home is coming to Ikea already this fall

Sweden's Ikea, which is just one step away from opening its store here, has announced a new line of home products. Well, they do all the time, you think. Well, certainly not like that, because they are smart products. If phones are smart, why not light bulbs?

A line of light bulbs Trådfri, which is otherwise on the market from this March, will now also be compatible with Apple's platform HomeKit. Users of Apple devices will be able to z iPhones, iPads, smart watches or the Siri app with a single click you can manage the 10 shine at the same time. From dimming until changing color of light, all this only with the help of smart technology. You can find in the Trådfri line LEDs and halogen lamps, lamps for cabinets and LED panels, which are the best approximation of natural light and as such take care of your better feeling at home.


By the coming autumn, Trådfri smart bulbs should also be managed via platforms Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. At Ikea they want there to be as few restrictions as possible on the use of their smart bulbs and to find their way to the clean every home. Well, in autumn obviously, we will not only be looking forward to new school adventures.

Image gallery: Ikea's smart home

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