
Believe it or not, the girls in the photo are in the same month of pregnancy!


How different pregnancy can be! A photo of Chontel Duncan and Natalie Smith, who believe it or not, are in the same month of pregnancy has been making the rounds online!

On the face of it, you would say that it did Chontelle Duncan (girl not lion) lived in pregnancy Natalie Smith (on the right). But in reality they are the girls in the photo during the same period of pregnancy. Chontel is a fitness model by profession and a former Miss Universe Australia, and she is in the photo in the 21st week pregnancy. Natalie on the other side was then in the 24th week pregnancy and was carrying her third child.

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Pregnant Chontel Duncan and Natalie Smith.
Pregnant Chontel Duncan and Natalie Smith.

"Every woman looks different during pregnancy, which does not mean that one is doing something wrong or in an unhealthy way. Both are carrying healthy babies and the pregnancy is going without complications," she wrote on Instagram, proving that she is pregnant many forms.

Duncan in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Duncan in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Many criticized Duncan because training during pregnancy, but doctors do not recommend it if things are within normal limits.

Duncan at 37 weeks pregnant, 21 days before her due date.
Duncan at 37 weeks pregnant, 21 days before her due date.

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