
Wobble-Up: A rug that doubles as a chair

Wobble-Up Rug/Chair

The Wobble-Up carpet is a smart solution for anyone who has a small apartment and wants to furnish their home functionally. You can turn a Sam Linders mosaic rug into a comfortable chair with just one stroke.

Wobble-Up it is a rug that can also be a chair. Its special structure allows it to be rolled up, and the tab serves as a backrest. We can also connect the carpets to each other. Carpets, which can be transformed into a three-dimensional piece of furniture, are suitable for those who lack space in their apartment, as well as for all those who prefer to sit on the floor while watching TV.

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The Wobble-Up mat is made with an ancient embroidery technique combined with a modern technique of mechanically pierced plastic. Users can play with patterns and colors.

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