
From Goričke to Piran - Greyp G12S electric bike with record autonomy

Electric bicycle Greyp G12H

Greyp Bikes has announced the new Greyp G12S electric bike, which boasts enviable features. It promises an incredible electric range, so you can travel Slovenia with it without any condition. It is environmentally friendly, extremely powerful and covers an enviable 240 kilometers with just one charge.

Electrical bike Grape G12S it transports you straight away without recharging in between 240 kilometers away. But this is not the only enviable data of the e-bike signs Grape Bikes. The Greyp G12S also offers you a long way the cheapest form of transport, because the 16-kilometer ride will cost you a pittance 2.3 euro cents.

The Greyp G12H is by far the best electric bike in the world right now.
The Greyp G12H is by far the best electric bike in the world right now.

It is powered by a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of three kilowatt hours, and the engine is capable of speeds up to 44 km/h. If this is at the top of your wish list, then the existing model is your choice Grape G12H, which admittedly allows half as much autonomy per charge, i.e. 120 km, and therefore travel speeds of up to 70 km/h.

Unfortunately, this 'eco-pass' is not exactly cheap, as you have to pay for it 8380 euros. By the way, he also came up with this e-bike Lionel Messi. For the upcoming Greyp G12S model, the price is not yet known, nor is the weight of the bike, which will probably be around 55 kilograms.

READ MORE: Peugeot e-Bike eU01s – an electric bike that grinds like a scooter

See how the Greyp G12S performs in the attached clip in practice.

Electric bicycle Greyp G12S:

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