
For bibliophiles: the most beautiful bookstores in the world

The El Ateneo bookstore in Argenitna is located in the old theater.

If you are a lover of books and architecture, or if you simply get excited about new, original ideas, take a look at the list of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. The most beautiful bookstores in the world are scattered all over the planet: from Argentina to China, and each of them is a creatively perfect place where books - many times man's best friends - are waiting to take the reader to their magical world that comforts, teaches, entertains and generally broadens our horizons.

The most beautiful bookstores in the world are in themselves a good enough reason to visit the country in which they are located. In the lower one photo gallery you can see, among other things, what a bookstore in Argentina is like, made in the old theater, a bookstore in the Netherlands that hides in the Gothic church, or the bookstore in Portugal that inspired the story Harry Potter.

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The most beautiful bookstores in the world:

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