
For collectors: Aston Martin Vantage Red Bull Racing Edition

Aston Martin Vantage Red Bull Racing Edition

Aston Martin has introduced special editions of the V8 and V12 models, the Aston Martin Vantage Red Bull Racing Edition. Both will be available in the second half of 2017. The colors are inspired by the car of the Red Bull Racing Formula 1 team, and each will bear the signature of the racers Daniel Ricciardo or Max Verstappen.

Aston Martin je uspešno sodelovanje z moštvom formule ena Red Bull Racing – pred časom sta izdelala hiperavto AM-RB 001, ki je tako hiter, da mu ni kos niti formula 1 – kronal z izdajo posebnega modela Aston Martin Vantage Red Bull Racing Edition, ki bo na voljo z motorjem V8 in V12.

READ MORE: AM-RB 001: Aston Martin and Red Bull with a hypercar that leaves behind Formula 1!

Besides special colors je bil Vantage deležen tudi nekaterih drugih sprememb. Prednji odbijač, difuzor in reže so izdelani from carbon fiber. Britanci bodo izdelali zgolj 30 primerkov. Pod pokrovom ni prišlo do sprememb, kar pomeni, da se bo osemvaljnik ponašal s 4,7-litrskim motorjem s 430 KM, dvanajstvaljnika pa bo gnal 5,9-litrski agregat s 565 KM. Cena omejene serije vozil Aston Martin Vantage Red Bull Racing Edition še ni znana, vsekakor pa bosta ceni za različici Red Bull višji od cene osnovnih modelov, ki sta postavljeni pri 112 in 162 tisoč evrih.

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