
It's scary how many years of our lives we waste using social media

Social networks - statistics

We can hardly imagine life without social networks. Do you think you spend too much time on Facebook and Instagram? You are not the only one. The latest statistics are downright frightening. Check how many years of life an individual spends on average using social networks.

Social networks have become a way of communication and self-expression. Many people simply cannot do without them anymore. The statistics also testify to this Mediakix, who calculated how much time the average person spends in their life using social networks.

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A familiar sight?
A familiar sight?

Already in 2015, we spent more time on mobile applications like watching TV, and with the emergence of services such as Facebook Video, Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Snapchat Spectacles, etc., this number will only continue to grow. Statistics show that the average person spends money using social networks 5 years and 4 months of his life. Unsurprisingly, we spend most of our time 'burning away' on Facebook, followed by a channel YouTube. Snapchat and in the third place he hunts quickly Instagram. More in the infographic below.

How much time do we spend on social networks?
How much time do we spend on social networks?

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