
Dating: 3 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out Too

When a girl asks a boy out on a date

Should girls also ask boys out on dates? The belief that only boys should ask girls out is out of fashion. And after listening to the 3 reasons why girls should also ask guys out, you will change that opinion and never hesitate again when you find yourself in a situation where you are offered the opportunity to make the first move.

If you would too girls invited boys on dates, this would be a great relief for many men. The way to ask a girl out is an unsolvable puzzle for many people. How many opportunities floated down the drain for some guys because they were too shy and they did not gather enough courage to take the first step. Girls, despite the fact that we are in the 21st century, when the boundaries between the sexes and traditional division of roles they are increasingly blurring, the initiative is still largely left to boys (which is otherwise nothing wrong), but the girl from the video gives three valid reasons, why should girls also ask boys out on a date? and learn to sometimes simply take the reins into your own hands and not wait for him to gain courage (if he does).

READ MORE: #bucketlist Dating: Adventure Dating Around the World

If decades ago this seemed unheard of, today it is something completely normal. The reasons behind the cliché that the invitation to a date is a man's domain are quite absurd and hair-raising. But women don't like rejection. What, what about the man? And rejection is also the worst thing that can happen to a girl in such a situation. So it's time to knock down another one taboo, which stands on the way to equality. Do you agree?

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