
Festival Urbano Dejanje (UD) 2017: festival of urban subcultures

The Urbano Dejanje (UD) 2017 festival will take place in the second week of August 2017. Over the past two years, the festival has shown that it understands the diversity of urban subcultures by capturing the best of each of them in themed days throughout the week. From 7 to 13 August 2017, Bad Copy, Zmelkoow, Čedahuči with Severa Gjurin, Zlatka and many others will perform on the stage of the Urbano Dejanje 2017 festival. See you!

Important information
Tobacna street, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5,00 €

Festival Urban Action already in its third year, it proves that music festivals don't have to focus on just one genre of music. Urbano Dejanje leaves a strong mark precisely with the fact that divides the attention fairly among all the major subcultures. Even this year, the organizers are preparing something for everyone. Urban Action Festival (UD) 2017 will take place between August 7 and 13, 2017.

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It promises to be an unforgettable party
It promises to be an unforgettable party.

Each day will be dedicated to a different musical topic: Monday jazz music, Tuesday to local music, Wednesday to good old rock, on Thursday we will dance to hip-hop rhythms, partying to electronic music on Friday, Saturday will be dedicated to alternative music, and on Sunday we will close the festival with the final concert. Among others, they are coming to Urban Action 2017 Bad Copy, Zmelkoow, Čedahuchi with Severa Gjurin, Honey, Uroš Perič, Koala Voice and many others. See you at Tobacna!

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