20,000 Days on Earth, the feature-length documentary debut of British directors Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, outlines the life story of Australian musician Nick Cavo in an imaginary day and explains his view of the world and his philosophy, which he transfers to music creation.
The twenty thousandth day in life Nick Cava, from the sound of the alarm clock in the morning to a walk on the beach after an evening concert. The dramatized scenes return to the musician's childhood, his musical companions such as Blix Bargeld and Kylie Minogue, and they remember past collaborations. The combination of live and documentary footage blurs the line between imaginary and real and between private and public at every step. 20,000 days on Earth it is not so much a classic documentary as a portrait of unbridled creativity.
A music documentary will be shown from January 6, 2015 further.
Music documentary
20,000 days on Earth
(20,000 Days on Earth, Great Britain, 2014)
Directed by: Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard. They play: Nick Cave, Warren Ellis, Darian Leader, Ray Winstone, Blixa Bargeld, Kylie Minogue, Susie Cave, Arthur Cave, Earl Cave.
6 January 2015, Kinodvor