
Concert: gentle singer-songwriter José González in Zagreb's Lauba

A gentle singer-songwriter with an acoustic guitar, the Swedish troubadour of Argentinian roots, José González, presented his new album Vestiges & Claws this year. This is his first solo product after a seven-year hiatus and reuniting with his band Junip. His music knows no time constraints and if we want to stop at least for a moment, then we can go to his concert in Zagreb in November.

Important information
Lauba, Zagreb, Croatia
Facebook event
Entrance fee

José González fled as a child with a well-to-do family from Argentina to Sweden and drew attention to his music extremely quickly. His debut Veneers (2003) received a lot of attention, but at the same time opened the door to the world of pop culture. He convinced people with sensual folk covers by musicians such as The Knife, Joy Division and Massive Attack.

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This was followed by an album In Our Nature (2007) and we waited eight years for the next musical seduction. He released his third studio album this February Vestiges and Claws, on which he plays his stronger tool – sensuality. The album is a mixture of delicacy, fragility and muffledness. José avoided adaptations and opened a new world to the listener, his own world, where he reveals his intimacy and maturity.

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