
Franja Marathon 2015 – the biggest festival of Slovenian cycling

Although quite a few holidays are behind us, cycling fans are still waiting for theirs. This has stretched over several days in the last decade. This year, the Franja Marathon, which will take place from June 12 to 14, 2015, will turn 34. From humble beginnings, it has grown into an international recreational road cycling competition. Due to the many routes, the event is intended for everyone, from the best to families with children. Its popularity is evidenced by the saying that if, according to an unwritten rule, every Slovene should step on the top of Triglav at least once, every cyclist who gives it his all should ride Franja.

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BTC City
Facebook event
Entrance fee
From €20 onwards

Although it's a little late to start getting in shape for Franja BTC City Little Marathon (97 km) or royal Franja BTC City Marathon (156 km), but it is still far from too late to register for the event. Of course, you have more to choose from than just these two mentioned categories, because there are more Hofer family-school marathonn (28 km), A mutual test for the youngest (1500 m) and driving us time (22/44 km). The marathon remains on the calendar of the UC International Cycling UnionI (UCI World Cycling Tour, scoring for Alpe Adria Tour 2015) therefore attracts many foreigners, and for the sake of excellent organization and an increasingly strong cast, more and more foreign ink is spilled about it every year. But that it's not all sweat and panting is provided by a variety entertainment and entertainment program in BTC City, otherwise the start-finish area for all routes.

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Maraton Franja found its domicile in BTC City.
Maraton Franja found its domicile in BTC City.

Franja Marathon applies to the largest sports and recreational cycling event in Slovenia, which also boasts the longest tradition among recreational and competitive events in our country. It gathers representatives of the right of all generations, among which we find recreationists, die-hard athletes flirting with professionalism, cycling enthusiasts, children and others. They are considered the father of the marathon Zanoškar and Tone Fornezzi-Tof are ringing, who aborted their idea a long time ago July 22, 1982, and they named it after Franja Hospital. At first it was attended by "only" 700 cyclists, but today we are talking about a similar number, only with one more zero at the end.

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