
St. Nicholas Fair and St. Nicholas Procession 2015 in Ljubljana

Michaelmas Ljubljana 2015

Michaelmas and the Saint Nicholas Procession 2015 in Ljubljana will traditionally be marked by the Saint Nicholas Fair and Saint Nicholas Procession, which honor the arrival of the first of the three good men who come to Ljubljana to visit in December. The fair will start on December 3, 2015, and the procession with Santa accompanied by hooves, devils and little angels, who will distribute candies, pastries and fruit to children, will take place on the eve of Saint Nicholas Day, December 5, 2015.

Important information
Prešeren Square, Krekov Square, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

Nicholas respectively Michaelmas in Ljubljana has always accompanied it until 2015 turning on holiday lights (December 3), but in 2015, due to Advent, this event was already moved to November (you can read more about the lighting of the lights in Ljubljana on November 27, 2015 here: Lighting of festive lights in Ljubljana). It will be an introduction to this year's celebration opening of the Nicholas Fair on December 3, 2015, which will last until December 6 and will be on Prešeren square in Ljubljana every day between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. At the stands, you will find, among other things, many ideas for gifts that you can give out already for Christmas.

READ MORE: Lighting of festive lights in Ljubljana already on November 27, 2015

During the Saint Nicholas Fair, December 5, 2015, will also happen Nicholas procession. Saint Nicholas will move along the route in the company of hooves, devils and little angels Krekov trg–Ciril-Metodov trg–Stritarjeva ulica–Prešernov trg, with a start on Krekov Square near the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. You are welcome! And don't forget to take the kids with you!

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