
Premiere of the farce Pohujšanje v dolina Šentflorjanski in SNG Maribor

Uncertainty in the Šentflorjan Valley is without a doubt a work that, regardless of how many times it has been performed on the stage of Slovenian theaters, always makes us laugh and at the same time makes us laugh with its critical message. Even in 2014, Slovenian svetohlinstvo is no different from the year 1907, when Ivan Cankar wrote his famous farce.

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SNG Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 16 to 22 euros

Ivan Cankar he wrote the farce in three acts Pohujšanje v dolini Šentflorjanski in just two weeks in October 1907, out of resistance to the attitude that society at that time had towards free expression and art. Despite the fact that he is writing dramatic work about Slovenian ecclesiology it did not take much time, it is considered his most modern and cosmopolitan work.

Undoubtedly, the dance in the Šentflorjan valley is a work that is relevant regardless of time and place, so it is no wonder that it is performed so often on Slovenian stages. The story, which, under the ironic title, makes us viewers laugh again and again, takes place in the "blessed" valley of the "chaste" residents of Šentflorjan, whose immaculate life causes a stir the arrival of the artist and bandit Peter and his bridesmaid Jacinta. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the valley, with the mayor at the head, are not in the mood to breed and drink artists, thieves, bandits and other criminals, everyone wants to see with their own eyes the debauchery that is said to be taking place in Peter's hut. With his cunning, Peter soon reveals the duplicity, sinfulness and provincial stubbornness of the Saint-Florians, and with this he threatens even Zlode himself.

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The performance will take place on the stage of the Slovenian National Theater in Maribor under the direction of the director Polish director Janusz Kic. Nika Rozman will perform as Jacinta, and a young twenty-three-year-old actor will play the main role of Peter Benjamin Krnetić, which we viewers got to know better for the first time in the main role of Marko in Vojnović's film Chefurji raus!

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