
Ski school 2017 - free skiing for children on Slovenian ski resorts

Schoolboy on skis 2017

The Ski School 2017 campaign is a Slovenian ski awareness project for school children, which aims to give as many children as possible a free skiing day at one of the Slovenian ski resorts. Free skiing will take place in Pohorje, Rogla, Cerkne, Krvavec and Vogl, namely from the 16th to January 20, 2017. The ambassador of the project is one of the most successful Slovenian alpine skiers, Jure Košir.

Important information
Various Slovenian ski resorts
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Would you like to be your child learn to ski? Then you should not miss the excellent opportunity that is offered to you with a nationwide campaign Schoolboy on skis 2017, the third in a row, the basic purpose of which is to enable as many children as possible free skiing day at one of the Slovenian ski resorts. All children will between January 16 and 20, 2017 received free ski pass and were treated to free learning of the basics of alpine skiing and guided exercises on snow. In addition, all participants receive commemorative diploma and practical gifts.

READ MORE: World Snow Day in Planica 2017 - winter joys under Ponci

Almost 2,000 children took part in the School on Skis campaign last year.
Almost 2,000 children took part in the School on Skis campaign last year.

The Ski School 2017 wishes young people (this time children fourth and fifth grades of elementary schools) bring winter sports closer to them, invest in knowledge and, together with schools, associations and ski centers, bring them closer to skiing and familiarize them with the rules of safety on ski slopes.

Locations of the Ski School 2017 campaign (from January 16 to 20, 2017):

  • SC Mariborsko Pohorje – intended for schools from the regional centers of Maribor, Koroška, Podravje and Pomurje
  • SC Rogla – intended for schools from the regional centers of Velenje, Celje, Posavje and Zasavje
  • SC Cerkno - intended for schools from the Obala, Goriška, Notranjska and Gorenjska regional centers (Poljanska and Selška dolina, Škofja Loka)
  • SC Krvavec – intended for schools from the regional centers of Domžale, Grosuplje, Gorenjska (Kranj and surroundings) and Dolenjska
  • SC Vogel – intended for schools from the regional centers of Gorenjska, Ljubljana and a reserve location for other regional centers

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