
Arki: a bracelet that will improve our posture

People simply forget how important it is to walk correctly and have a straight spine. The Arki bracelet, designed by the company Zikto, analyzes our gait and helps keep it healthy, provides data on body balance and records our activities.

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A bracelet Arki is a personal trainer who analyzes unique gait patterns and thus helps us to walk better and healthier. It also tells us what our body balance is, and at the same time it can be used as a biometric solution for daily activity recording. We can track all information via iOS and Android apps.
Arki thus measures the speed of our swings when walking and turns, and thus based on measurements via a smartphone teaches healthy walking. If walking deteriorates again, the bracelet informs us.

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The Arki bracelet comes with different straps, so it fits perfectly anywhere.
The Arki bracelet comes with different straps, so it fits perfectly anywhere.

By swinging his left and right hand, Arki tries restore balance in our body. If necessary, he also recommends a visit to a physiotherapist. Of course, it also has Arki built-in basic activity tracker. Unlike other "smart" bracelets, Arki goes perfectly with outfits for different occasions, because it can change the bracelet band at any time. Arki is part of the crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
The price of the Arki bracelet is approx 80 euros.

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More information:
zikto.com and kickstarter.com

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