
This idea - Slovenian design that conjures up a boundless feeling of nostalgia

Postcard of Vintega Piran.

This idea is a designer who equips products with original images and patterns. Perhaps her images remind us of something from the past and wrap us in the warm embrace of a feeling called nostalgia.

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Classic ones postcards they are usually decorated with photographs, while Teja's landscapes consist of simple characters in recognizable miniatures of Slovenian cities. With every card that conveys greetings to our loved ones, it will be This Idea somewhat satisfied her restless nature and desire to travel. The collection of cities will grow until it is a homegrown clod for a long time. These days postcards will also be joined by picture notebooks Ljubljana and Piranha.

Postcards and notebooks are available in shops Ika in Ljubljana and Škofja Loka and in a bookstore Felix on Čopova Street in Ljubljana.

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Web site: tejaideja.com

Facebook: That Idea

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