
Zepp - A great golf sensor that analyzes your shots

Golf as a sport may not reach the popularity of its mini version or the Golf car brand, but in recent years it has been diligently gathering followers even outside the elite, among people for whom hitting the ball 10 years ago was too much of a blow to the personal budget. Of course, it's not a cheap sport even today, and with accessories like the Zepp sensor that analyzes your shots, you can save money on the coach and keep costs down.

Basic information
Golf 3D Swing Analyzer
The price

Before the golf sensor Zepp you can't hide anything at all. It takes your shot under the microscope and allows you to use data to patch up the holes in your knowledge and get the ball in the hole faster. It's your pocket trainer, suitable for beginners as well as those with a bit more refinement and mileage. Although the idea of a golf sensor is not new, Zepp is the first wireless sensor, which communicates with a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth.

Impact information from A to Z.
Impact information from A to Z.

Attach it to the glove, the Zepp Golf app and it shows you a shot from all of them 360 degrees, breaks down the swing and analyzes all its components, from the speed and path of the shot, to how you hit the ball with the clubhead, and if you have your phone in your pocket, even progress for each type of rod separately. And if you also like to swing a golf club tennis racket or club, you will be delighted by the versatility of Zepp, because it also works for them.

READ MORE: ICEdot - A sensor that saves cyclists' lives

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