
This track is authored by artificial intelligence!

Artificial intelligence now writes songs.

Artificial intelligence is taking over the world. Now she has also signed a track, actually two. Listen to two songs written entirely by Sony's artificial intelligence Flow Machines. What do you think has potential? Is it a rush machine? Listen and rate!

It's after a short film artificial intelligence (AI) recorded the first song or as many as two. A look at the top radio charts of 2019 will look something like this: 1st place: UI - Where Ya People At?, 2nd place: Rihanna - In Love With You, 3rd place: Eminen - I am to Old for This S **t … The tracks were bent experts from Sony's CSL Research Laboratory, and the composition was made possible by technology that is capable of machine writing compositions.

Artificial intelligence composed the tracks based on the software Flow Machines, which relies on a database consisting of 13,000 basic melodies and harmonies of various genres of music. All the experts did was (the composer was in this case Benoît Carré, who also wrote the lyrics) to determine the dominant genre of music (the first two compositions were based on the group's compositions The Beatles). Based on the above, the artificial intelligence then began to compose.

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It turns out that Flow Machines software has just that great musical talent, as the first two songs were – Daddy's Car and Mr Shadow – received positive reviews, which is why Sony has already announced for 2017 the release of a music album, which will be prepared entirely by artificial intelligence.

UI is venturing into the music industry.
UI is venturing into the music industry.

What is left for musicians then? And who will own it Copyright? As usual, such a novelty opens many new questions, which are still unanswered.

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