
If meat eaters treated vegetarians the same way they treat them

Carnivores vs. Vegetarians

Are you wondering what it would be like if meat eaters treated vegetarians the same way they treat them? Then watch this satirical video, which is sure to stung a die-hard vegetarian. The fight between vegetarians and carnivores or rather the struggle of vegetarians against carnivores is well known to us. Vegetarians like to condemn meat eaters for what they do and try to make them feel guilty. Now the role is reversed. Laughter guaranteed! Vegetarians, a little self-irony doesn't hurt.

what would happen if carnivores treated vegetarians the same way they treat them? Can you imagine that vegetarians would be the "mean guys" and would be meat eaters in the role of orthodox vegetarians who are the first to condemn at every turn?

READ MORE: This is how the Americans see Croatia! American geography lessons.

Carnivores vs. Vegetarians.
Carnivores vs. Vegetarians.

He imagined just such a scenario JP Sears and created a funny video that will make you laugh to the point of tears.

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