
How Ridiculous: a basket from an incredible 126.5 meters high

The basket is reached from the maximum height.

The guys from the How Ridiculous team set a new world record for long distance baskets in history. Namely, the basketball flew through the ring after flying as high as 126.5 meters, which is (plus the height of the basket) the height of the dam in Tasmania (Australia). And while it's hard not to be skeptical when it comes to footage online, the record has been certified by Guinness, so it must be authentic.

The team How Ridiculous, which deals with performing tricks for a good cause, drew attention to herself again. After 2011, when they put the record in the basket from a height 67 meters and from 91.5 meters two years later, they have now raised the bar even higher 126.5 meters high! They put the ball through the ring with a throw from the top of Gordon Dam in Tasmania. A basket that would surely be the envy of even the best basketball snipers.

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