
Ikea "Bookbook": With Ikea's intuitive catalog 2015 to new interior experiences

Swedish IKEA announced an intuitive catalog for next year that will make all our furniture dreams come true. Let's feel the power of book-book!

Who doesn't love it? Ikea? Retail furniture where innovation, functionality and interactivity are gathered in one place? Ikea, which always surprises? This time with an intuitive book, which will hit the shelves in 2015. Ikein "book book" will make all our furniture dreams come true. It consists of many pages with endless inspiration and does not require batteries to operate. Let's take a look at the presentation video, which is basically hilarious a parody of Apple ads. Let's feel the power of book-book!

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Book-book has pages and requires no batteries!
Book-book has pages and requires no batteries!

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