
James Bond: All the Spy Toys of Secret Agent 007

James Bond Spectre

James Bond can't do without two things - beautiful girls and spy toys, which Q supplies him with, and with his inventions, he always makes sure that the secret agent 007 gets out of even an unsolvable situation. Although he often does not show much interest in them, he has unknowingly become dependent on them. Below you can see all the spy toys of Her Majesty's Agent.

James Bond, a charismatic British Secret Service agent MI6, returns to the big screen in Spectre, and with it comes a new package spy toys. But before you learn what tricks from the Q department he uses Daniel Craig, look at what kind of spy toys it is agent 007 used in the past.

READ MORE: James Bond: 12 of his genius toys

James Bond and his spy toys. But what would you do without them?
James Bond and his spy toys. But what would you do without them?
Some were funny (at least through today's eyes), others imaginative, still others visionary.

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