
Fun experiments: How the female orgasm works [video]

Female orgasm

While most of us know the facts about the explosiveness of the male orgasm, some still dream of not knowing how the female orgasm actually works. Let's watch a video that breaks the myths about the female orgasm with fun experiments and explains everything we ever wanted to know about it in a few minutes.

Since a woman's orgasm is a bit more mysterious than a man's, they are at Wired recorded an interesting video, which with the help of fun experiments explains and clarifies everything regarding female orgasms. With a tour videos we will learn, among other things, that the clitoris contains more than 8 thousand nerve endings and that 70 percent of women are in favor reaching orgasm it needs direct stimulation of this extremely sensitive part of the body.
Video demonstrates also the release of hormones that are released during kissing, the act itself and orgasm, and illustrates how women's pain threshold increases after orgasm. More in the video...

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