
How portion sizes at McDonald's have changed over time

McDonald's portion sizes over time

The first McDonald's opened in 1955 in the city of Des Plaines (Illinois, USA). Back then they only had nine items on the menu, but in August 2015 they have around 170 around the world. And while it's no surprise how McDonald's has changed and expanded their offerings over that time, it's surprising how large their portions have become. Check out how they inflated compared to 1955.

Are you interested in how portions at McDonald's have grown over time? How much are they? compared to 1955 "ordered" hamburgers, how many servings of fries, how much did the drink go up? Watch a vivid video clip from BuzzFeed, which will not leave you indifferent.

READ MORE: McDonalds with the Big Mac lifestyle collection in fashionable waters

Size of hamburgers over time.
Size of hamburgers over time.

Of course, when the first McDonald's opened, people also did everything to be/stay slim, but obesity is epidemic today. Coincidence?

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