
How men's faces turn into women's with some make-up

Make-up is gendered. Men usually do not wear make-up, while for women it is a "default" feature. Makeup can do things that even Photoshop would envy, so it's no wonder that they can also transform a man's face into a woman's. Last but not least, the Sisters have already proven this. Nevertheless, probably only a few men think that for the sake of some make-up, they could slip unnoticed into the women's toilet. Or is it?

Not hormone disruptors, these silent killers of masculinity, woman makeup and makeup artists are the biggest threat masculinity. Although it does feminization shows men through various channels, and makeup is probably the most egregious example. But a dog that barks doesn't bite, so we should only worry about hormones.

Believe it or not, a makeup artist was at work here, not Photoshop. What's not beautiful?
Believe it or not, a makeup artist was at work here, not Photoshop. What's not beautiful?

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How there is a thin line between male and female facial features met five men who left themselves to the professional hands of make-up artists, who transformed half of their face into their "better half". The purpose of the video is not just entertainment, although they "powdered" it well and covered it up a bit multifacetedness. Behind all these "make-up" lies a deeper message, a message that addresses and secretly criticizes strange beauty ideals and standards, who took the women as hostages and released the men without a "ransom".

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Source: BuzzFeedYellow / Via youtube.com

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