
What would the world be like without people?

What would the world be like without people? What would happen if planet Earth woke up to a world without humans, if humanity simply disappeared, blew away, while everything else remained as it is. No, this is not the subject of the latest post-apocalyptic movie, but rather a question that has surely crossed your mind at some point, and which AsapSCIENCE dug into and came up with some interesting answers.

What would you be like a world without people? Would the Earth continue to stoically tolerate our creations, or would it try to restore its natural balance? Over the millennia, we have tipped the scales more and more in our favor. And because most systems and infrastructure are handled by humans and technology, once those two are taken out of the equation, nature has free rein to take full control again.

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1.5 billion cows, 1 billion piglets and 20 billion chickens will be free. How will they fare when they are left to the mercy of nature? The rule of the stronger will come to the fore again.
1.5 billion cows, 1 billion piglets and 20 billion chickens will be free. How will they fare when they are left to the mercy of nature? The rule of the stronger will come to the fore again.

This topic has already been dealt with by a few movies and books, but also last but not least scientists. But since the first two mostly belong to the category of science fiction or are too professional, and scientists are also difficult to understand, he found a compromise AsapSCIENCE, which is on popular, but in a scientifically supported way played with the idea of what would happen to our world if there were suddenly no more people on it. And what would archaeologists from other galaxies found when they came here after so many years.

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