
Madonna Buder: The Iron Nun Still Competing in Triathlons at 86

Nike breaks stereotypes with super nuna.

The next time you think you're too old for something, remember Madonna Buder, the 86-year-old Iron Nun, as she's called, the new face of Nike's ''Unlimited'' (Unlimited Youth) campaign, proving that age is no excuse. At almost ninety, he still competes in the Ironman triathlon, which means that he first swims 3.8 kilometers, then cycles 180 kilometers and then runs another 42 kilometers! It embodies both the slogan of Ironman: Anything is Possible (Everything is possible.) and Nike: Unlimited Youth (Eternal Youth).

American woman Madonna Buder she is no ordinary woman. She holds the record for the number of appearances at the World Championship in triathlon Iron man and don't let age get in the way! She is a nun by "profession", and because of her indestructible will, she is called that the iron nun. He is a new face Nike Campaigns Unlimited (Unlimited Youth), which takes place during the Olympic Games Rio 1016. Together, they shot a fun ad, the story of which is told by a film actor Oscar Isaac (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Drive!, X-Men: Apocalypse).

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Sister Madonna (Spokane, Washington) completed her first iron triathlon when she counted 55 years, and to this day she has already collected incredible ones 45 performances in this famous endurance race. She is the oldest woman to finish this competition and proof that a) age is just a number and b) it's never too late to start something new. Madonna Buder started doing endurance sports only at the age of 48. The secret to her success? He imagines that he is a child. "For children, running is something completely natural, something easy." And he continues: ”Never lose your inner child. Even if you grow old, keep him in your life.”

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