
Mark Zuckerberg takes us on a virtual tour of the new Facebook premises

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took Facebook users on the first virtual tour of the new Facebook premises in Menlo Park, California. They were designed by the architect Frank Gehry, who not only designed the campus in Silicon Valley, but also the Facebook offices in London and Dublin. On 430,000 square meters, there will be work for 2,800 employees, and the main feature of the space is that it will breathe as one, which means that there will be no partitions, and Zuckerber himself will not be treated any differently from other employees.

Idea of the new main Facebook premises is that people work close to each other, communicate more and constantly exchange ideas, which enables better cooperation and which Mark Zuckerberg seems the key to creating the best services for your community. The founder of Facebook does not want to act like a big boss, so he works for the whole the same desk as the rest of the employees.

Walk through Facebook's new offices.
Walk through Facebook's new offices.

During the virtual walk, he also takes us past his desk, where you will find, among other things, a laptop MacBook and some books from his weekly challenge "A Year of Books", where he suggests a read worth reading to his reading club.

READ MORE: Facebook: how to get rid of the addiction?

In the video above, you can see what the interior of Facebook's new headquarters looks like and its own "transparency culture".

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