
The biggest mistakes in blockbuster movies that you must have missed

Movie mistakes

Even films with the highest budgets are not immune to mistakes. These can be scriptural, scenic or audio in nature, but we also find factual errors where they state incorrect facts in the film. Once the film's budget is inflated and the film bombards us with endless action scenes and special effects, these slip-ups are especially hard to spot. But nothing escapes the eye of film gourmands who watch movies several times, even hidden mistakes that have been exposed for years on the website moviemistakes.com. Wondering what mistakes crept into the 10 biggest blockbusters like The Avengers, Batman, Jurassic Park and Transformers?

Mistakes creep into many films, quirks that only the greatest lovers of the seventh art notice, still others are so obvious that they are already almost inadmissible, but we still managed them to overlook. Did you know you've been overlooking glaring mistakes in movies like Avatar, Star Trek, and Independence Day?

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