It has already started. The 7th season of the TV series Game of Thrones will not be broadcast until 2017, and the creators have already started teasing us with the first glimpses. Those of you who have been anticipating the first scenes of Season 7 may be slightly disappointed by the teaser, but any true fan will be able to appreciate what HBO has given us as an appetizer. It's a slightly different take on the popular series, and you'll never look at it the same way again.
Seventh season TV series Game of Thrones got the first trailer. It's more of a teaser s behind-the-scenes footage, in which the viewer realizes how much effort and work is put into individual episodes.
READ MORE: Actors of the series Game of Thrones then and now
Game of Thrones is returning to the small screen later than usual. Instead of April, as we were used to, the premiere is timed for summer 2017, instead of the usual 10, the new season will count only seven parts.
Funny mistakes from the filming of the 6th season of the series Game of Thrones: