
Try the Ikea kitchen with virtual reality glasses

Ikea VR Experience

The Swedish furniture giant Ikea has introduced the virtual reality application Ikea VR Experience, which allows you to test three Ikea kitchens in virtual reality right from your home sofa. It's made for the HTC Vive virtual reality glasses, which are selling like hotcakes. Is Ikea coming to Slovenia too late?

Ikea with the app Ikea VR Experience now offers users to try three of its kitchens in virtual reality, changing their color and observing them from the perspective of an adult and a child.

READ MORE: Ikea: products for the indoor garden

Ikea VR Experience allows a virtual walk through Ikea's kitchen.
Ikea VR Experience allows a virtual walk through Ikea's kitchen.

Although it is free app VR Experience is still in its infancy (it will be updated until August, when the trial period ends), but it's only a matter of time before this kind of furniture testing becomes a permanent practice. Or if we quote Jesper Brodin, Ikea's CEO, "VR will play a big role in the future of our customers. One day we will be able to use it to test furniture and equipment before buying.” Obviously, in the future we will only visit Ikea virtually, and smaller furniture and other home accessories will most likely be delivered to our home drones.

The Ikea VR Experience application is currently still in the experimental phase.
The Ikea VR Experience application is currently still in the experimental phase.

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