
Visual feast: 40 years of special effects in one minute

40 years of ILM special effects.

From kitschy costumes and primitive special effects to jaw-dropping graphics. Special effects have come a long way, and one of the first studios to board that ship was George Lucas, the father of Star Wars, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), which is celebrating 40 years this year. On this occasion, they prepared a one-minute video collage with excerpts from films with their graphic masterpiece.

Special effects they have reached the point where they can be too much to know plastic and overly stylized, which is why more and more directors are combining them with classical approaches, where the temptation is to deny laws of physics it is not so present. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to imagine modern celluloid products without them.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Point Break (2015)

A glimpse from the making of Transformers.
A glimpse from the making of Transformers.

At the studio Industrial Light & Magic famous George Lucas are therefore at 40th anniversary prepared a collage of their own the best movie scenes with special effects from films such as Harry Potter, The Avengers, Ring of Fire, Star Wars, The Mask, Men in Black, Pirates of the Caribbean,... and compressed them into a one-minute video.

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